Our Recent Grantees

This year we are proud to be able to support these projects that represent the diversity of our community. Thank you to the community of Temagami for giving us the opportunity to be a part of your cultures, heritage, arts, and grass root projects.

Past Grantees

Temagami Elders Portrait Project

A project of the Municipality of Temagami and Photographer Gerry Gooderham

The Temagami Elders Portrait Project began in 2008 with a small grant given to organize, collect and take black and white photographs of our elders and seniors. These photographs were then framed and displayed in many areas in the community. The photographs taken were absolutely beautiful. We have once again awarded a small grant to continue the works of collecting our heritage and history.

Nastawagan Trails Inc.

The Nastawagan Trails was incorporated in 2000 to plan, establish, maintain and promote a year-round non-motorized trail network. Combined with 2400 kms of interconnected canoe routes, these trails help make the Temagami/Temiskaming area a world-class recreation destination. In 2008, the Foundation supported a project to create a trail forming a loop between Grand Campment Bay and Nagle Bay on the Lake Temiskaming shoreline. This loop trail is accessed at the end of the Rabbit Lake Road. The project saw completion in the summer of 2010. Congratulations for the years of hard work and determination!

Art Camp

Temagami Community Foundation’s Signature Project

Our Art Camp is an annual event that is held each summer for one week. It introduces our young community residents to each other. The young people that attend come away with not only art projects, but a knowledge of others’ ways of life and cultures. For the last couple of years, we have held camp on Bear Island, and the hospitality and generosity of the island is very much appreciated by all. The camp fills up quickly — there was a waiting list on day two of enrollment this year! Many thanks to all of the volunteers that make this special camp a reality year after year, and to Bettina Schuller, who has headed up the camp since its inception.

Temagami Public Library’s Local History Project

Shelley Rowland is heading up the Local History Project at the Temagami Public Library. The library houses collections of photo albums, loose photos, newspaper clippings, notebooks, records and various other materials. Temagami has a vast history and many of the archives have not been accessible to those who are interested in viewing them. This project will allow the library to organize, identify, catalogue and properly store these archives in a manner that will enable the public to view them. With this project, we will all be able to share in our community’s history. We also feel this project will go along quite nicely with the elders Portrait Project.

Previous Year’s Grant Recipients

Grant Evaluation Form

Download a copy of our Grant Evaluation for your submission:

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