Arts Camp 2022

2022 Arts Camp registration is now closed!

You should now have received an email confirmation from the Arts Camp Director, Laura, confirming your child’s registration for the camp. Further details will be communicated about the camp in the coming weeks!

Please complete this PHOTO RELEASE FORM and email to

Arts Camp will be from July 4-8, 2022
Children ages 6-12
See all details in registration form.

Join Arts Camp for its 21st consecutive season! 

TFN Chief & Council have offered the use of facilities on Bear Island this summer, COVID conditions permitting. Note that Temagami First Nation’s regulations do not always align with Ontario (ex masking regulations) and that different protocols may need to be respected. 

Arts Camp is funded through generous donors to this annual camp for  children of families living  permanently on Bear Island,  the  Municipality of Temagami or children of families who join us seasonally. 

 The leadership model for this year’s camp is a collaborative team approach ably lead by  Laura Irvine and Mike Grant. Our volunteer supporters for this year’s camp range from community elders through to emerging youth leaders. New volunteers are always welcome to join us in this rewarding experience of bonding our youth with their peers and with the land and traditions of Temagami.  

  • Each camp day will run from 10:00am to 3:00pm.
  • Campers ages will be between age 6 ( as at July 4/22) and 12 .

Also, an Arts Camp Leadership opportunity is available for campers between the ages of 13 and 15 who normally will have:

  • Attended Arts Camp in at least one previous year and; 
  • Are interested in participating in and assisting with program delivery and mentorship of younger campers (If applicable, this event is eligible for high school volunteer hours) 

Transportation for  mainland campers  will be available by bus arranged with  Stock Transportation. The bus schedule for the week of Arts Camp will include the following:

  • Morning pick-up at around 8:45 am at the Temagami Train Station 
  • A stop on the way  to camp at the around 9AM at  Hwy 11 and  the Access Road 
  • A stop on the return trip at the  Access Road/Hwy 11 @  3:45 PM and the Temagami Train Station @ 4pm 
  • Campers taking bus transportation will travel between the Mine Landing and Bear Island by shuttle boat  provided by Bear island

Arts Camp 2021 was a success! Check out the 2021 video:

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